Q: In a nutshell, what is NoGreedSeeds and the Stalk Exchange? TOP
A: Activism, Experimentation, Philanthropy. These are the main driving motivations behind our company. For far too long, we have been misled, outright lied to, regarding the safety of cannabis. What the world needs is more people Like Dr Mechoulam, who investigate and scientifically identify the useful compounds in cannabis. More Research, Less Persecution. (See our site for a wonderful video about Dr. Mechoulam - Who Discovered THC?)
The Owner - Neil - was so tired of Waiting for Expensive seeds from overseas. The seeds were always $10 or more each, and it always seemed to take 6 weeks or more, and that is nerve-wracking for some people. Determined to do something about it for US CItizens, and in light of the widening legalization, He went back into the closet and back to some of his closest friends to form the Stalk Exchange and NoGreedSeeds. The Stalk Exchange is the Membership driven portion of the business, where people voluntarily send seeds of their favorite strains in, in exchange for lifetime membership and other perks. These seeds are then grown out in Soluna's Garden, and made available thru NoGreedSeeds at whole sale prices to the public. This business is in it's 3rd year, and the Catalog and site continues to grow and expand. Secrets Shared, Genetics on point. Save time and money with NoGreedSeeds.
Q: What's the background on NGS? Are these seeds the result of 'Pollen Chucking'? TOP
A: Great question, thanks for asking! NoGreedSeeds was founded by Soluna (Neil) in early 2019. As he was learning so much from the info shared on YouTube and a few other places, He started making friends and contacts with funny and generous folks who not only shared their knowledge and enthusiasm for growing Cannabis, but also their genetics. Looking to share back with these wonderful people, he began by buying seeds from various international and well known seed banks, while always on the lookout for an inexpensive quality source within the US. But ALAS, There weren't any SOLID US sources, aside from a few farms. No collectives, no clubs, it was always just some people trading on random sites, sketchy and nerve-wracking at best. Tired of Waiting for delivery of expensive seeds, and way sickened over losing some (To customs? The postal service? Who knows?) in the process, that was when he decided to leverage his 30 years of customer service experience and embark on a small seed sharing (not-for-profit) collective, known as Nogreedseeds and the Stalk Exchange. (It should also be noted that he has developed the software for this entire platfom using Xara, Notepad++, PHP, and MySQL, as well as a few free (and purchased) scripts. Many Thanks to the Denizens of for their insight and assistance!)
RE NGS BREEDING Protocols: ALL of the Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid Seeds you see for sale here are the result of Member deposits, grown out by Soluna in a small organic perpetual grow. The parents were carefully selected to be vibrant, healthy, and a solid representative of the strain. If Regular seeds were deposited, then we try for regular breeding first, with feminized strains to be made down the road. Deposits of Feminized seeds are always going to be feminized. Now, all that being said, the experimental section is the result of quality females from other strains growing nearby, picking up some stray pollen, thereby creating limited quantities of some great genetics. Some might say that unintended breeding is 'pollen chucking', and perhaps so. Regardless, there are still high quality genetics in every single one of these crosses, but with unpredictable results due to the nature of F1s. We stand by the thought that the next cup winner could be in there, maybe with just a bit further selective breeding, with care, time and effort from YOUR green thumb...
Be sure to review the parentage and harvest date. You won't find this info readily available on most sites. All our seeds are stored in air-tight tinted Storage Vaults, with Silica Drying Packets, and kept at 68-74 degrees (room temp), NOT in/out of cold storage (which increases the chances of MOLD due to condensation).
Q: How can I join the Stalk Exchange? TOP
A: In a nutshell, visit the Stalk Exchange page and decide if it's for you. Then, click the apply link from the Bean menu, or the stalk exchange page. Fill out the form and submit, then check for our email, and click the link to automatically activate your Basic account access. Low prices are turned on after your Annual Dues are paid; Paying/renewing Dues is easy, check your member profile for the button. If you join by Payment, it may take ~24 hours to activate your LOW PRICES (as the SE activation is a MANUAL process, apologies for any delays). Joining via deposit can take a while, for reasons we go into detail about on the main stalk exchange page. As of 03/07/2025, we are not accepting any more deposits, as there is STILL a heavy backlog of Items to be added to the catalog over the next year or so.
Q: Why doesn't NGS have ANY Autos in the listings? TOP
A: Great question, We hear this one a LOT! We have several reasons that Autos (plants bred with Cannabis Ruderalis) don't appear in our listings:
- FACT: They don't like being transplanted, or having their roots disturbed at all. It stunts their growth and gives poor results. I imagine this could be worked around by starting them in larger, more rigid containers than cloth bags.
- FACT: They cannot be cloned, so there is no way to extend the enjoyment of a great auto plant. You cannot make mother plants, there will be no clones, for the simple reason that they are a one-season species. If you can make one self-pollenate, that's as close as you can get to cloning an auto.
- Opinion (not popular): They are not as potent as the original strain, AND will not grow as large as a photoperiod strain of the "same" type.
- EXPERIENCE: Our experience with them is limited and poor, do you REALLY want seeds from someone lacking QUALITY experience in that area of expertise you desire, when there are plenty of other quality sources available? Let's just says this: WHEN we have a great experience with them like we do with all our photoperiod strains, THEN autos will appear in the catalog. (Meanwhile, you keep that Dirty Commie Ruderalis away from our Pristine US Photoperiods. LOL - I mean, bred ours with yours - You do You.)
Q: I'd like to send something to Soluna/NGS. What is the mailing address? TOP
A: We provide accurate return info on each shipment. NGS does not accept packages unexpectedly, so please reach out to us to let us know what you have in mind - before shipping anything. Members joining the Stalk Exchange via Principal Deposit of a 5-10 seed pack (Unopened breeder-packs preferred), will be in communication with HQ, and will be provided shipping info in a timely manner. (Again, As of 03/07/2025, we are not accepting any more deposits, as there is a serious backlog, with more than a dozen members patiently waiting to have their strains added to the catalog.)
Q: WHY would NGS block anyone outside the US from simply viewing the site? TOP
A: Primarily because NGS does not ship outside of the USA! Thinking about the many costs of international shipping, theres the actual fees, and time standing in line at the post office, only to fill out governmental forms that they will then inspect and scrutinize. On top of the time and effort required, next up is customs, who seem to rip open packages indiscriminantly. and long distance shipping, too easy for your package to get lost. Due to the diverse issues and additional scrutiny, it's much safer for both parties to simply declare a 'NoGo' attitude, and shop locally. Better for your economy anyhow. Bottom line is that international shipping is simply in neither your, nor our, best interest.
SO - ALL THAT BEING SAID; instead of teasing you, wasting your time and our bandwidth, we implemented a strategy that blocks NON-US visitors on 4/25/2022. If you are an international visitor and can view/read this, the site is be temporarily allowing NON-US visitors for site upgrade testing purposes. This temporary access is for a very limited time.
The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think that the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.
~ Willie Nelson
Hello, YOUR state! This page was updated: October 13 2024